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Alternate job titles: Alterations Specialist II | Seamstress Experienced

Responsible for constructing, altering, repairing, or modifying garments for customers based on their specifications, needs, and preferences. Reads patterns, uses measuring tools, and works with different fabrics and embellishments. Uses understanding of garment construction to create new clothing and garments. Presses and finishes altered clothes and linens. Completes work within deadlines to ensure altered merchandise is sewn, pressed, and checked for imperfections. May require a high school diploma or equivalent. Typically reports to a supervisor. Works independently within established proc more...

Alternate job titles: Alterations Specialist I | Seamstress Entry

Responsible for constructing, altering, repairing, or modifying garments for customers based on their specifications, needs, and preferences. Reads patterns, uses measuring tools, and works with different fabrics and embellishments. Presses and finishes altered clothes and linens. Completes work within deadlines to ensure altered merchandise is sewn, pressed, and checked for imperfections. May require a high school diploma or equivalent. Typically reports to a supervisor. Works under moderate supervision. Gaining or has attained full proficiency in a specific area of discipline. Typically requ more...

Alternate job titles: Experienced Carpenter | Finish Carpenter | Journeyman Carpenter

There is currently no job description for Custom Cabinet Maker. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Custom Cabinet Maker.

Alternate job titles: Commercial Software Engineer I | Entry Commercial Software Engineer

The Custom Application Developer I standardizes the quality assurance procedure for software. Codes software applications based on third party business requirements. Being a Custom Application Developer I researches client complaints and makes necessary adjustments and/or recommendations to resolve software related issues. Performs tests and develops fixes. In addition, Custom Application Developer I requires a bachelor's degree in a related area. Typically reports to a supervisor. Working as a Custom Application Developer I typically requires 0-2 years of related experience. Works on projects more...

Alternate job titles: Commercial Software Engineer III | Senior Commercial Software Engineer

The Custom Application Developer III standardizes the quality assurance procedure for software. Codes software applications based on third party business requirements. Being a Custom Application Developer III researches client complaints and makes necessary adjustments and/or recommendations to resolve complex software related issues. Oversees testing and debugging and develops fixes. In addition, Custom Application Developer III requires a bachelor's degree in a related area. Typically reports to a manager or head of a unit/department. Working as a Custom Application Developer III typically r more...

Alternate job titles: Commercial Software Engineer II | Intermediate Commercial Software Engineer

The Custom Application Developer II standardizes the quality assurance procedure for software. Codes software applications based on third party business requirements. Being a Custom Application Developer II researches client complaints and makes necessary adjustments and/or recommendations to resolve software related issues. Performs tests, debugs and develops fixes. In addition, Custom Application Developer II requires a bachelor's degree in a related area or in a related area. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Working as a Custom Application Developer II typically requires 2 to 4 more...

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